Dr. T. David Burleigh is a Professor of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at New Mexico Tech. 他是金属腐蚀和冶金方面的专家 failure analysis. Dr. 伯利在ag亚游集团App下载教过各种课程, 最近的都列在上面了.

In his corrosion research laboratory, students work on several corrosion research projects, including the corrosion of copper alloys and the anodization of steel. Dr. Burleigh is a certified "Corrosion Specialist" by NACE International, and a registered 新墨西哥州的"冶金专业工程师. He completed his Ph.D. in Metallurgy at M.I.T. 1985年在乌利格腐蚀实验室进行研究. He continued research in photoelectrochemistry and passivity at the Fritz-Haber-Institut (Max-Planck-Institute (物理化学)在西柏林,西德. Dr. 伯利从事腐蚀工作 group at Alcoa Technical Center for over five years designing alloys, corrosion tests, and testing products.

自1993年以来,他一直担任首席研究员 伯利腐蚀顾问公司, where he solves corrosion problems for small and large businesses. Prior to coming to New Mexico Tech, he was a Research Associate Professor at the Materials Science and Engineering Dept. 在匹兹堡大学任教并担任指挥 水腐蚀研究.

"Top 5 Trends in Materials Engineering" by Michael Abrams (May 2013) ASME.org. See last paragraph under "5. Spinning Smoke." www.asme.org/engineering-topics/articles/manufacturing-processing/top-5-trends-materials-engineering

不同腐蚀阶段的钉子图像. "Brown Nails" by Amanda Kuker, Sara Waters and Kat Mireles, of the New Mexico Tech Materials Advantage Chapter. 这首新歌描述了痛苦和心碎 of corrosion. In June 2011, the ASM Foundation selected this song to be a Materials 广播播客(搜索“Brown Nails”),或者你也可以听 here.

说明钢在水中如何腐蚀的化学方程式.“钢在水滴中的腐蚀”可以在 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0LUB90uDaEm 

这个视频是一系列的延时显微照片,由Dr. Burleigh in 2011. These timed micrographs show a water drop containing pH indicator solution, sitting on the surface of bare steel. 这滴水是索科罗市政用水,含有很多 溶解的矿物质包括14 ppm的NaCl. 随着时间的推移,pH值的颜色 indicator solution changes, indicating that acidic and caustic regions are developing in the water drop. Dr. 伯利解说了显微照片,并解释了腐蚀的原因 视频中看到的现象.

电解质溶液中的两个电极.“如何对钢进行阳极氧化”可以在这里看到 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g-azzYnMYo  
本视频介绍了由教授开发的方法. 伯利和他的学生 在热腐蚀性电解液中对钢进行阳极氧化. 这一过程是两个出版物的主题. The anodized layer is a nano-porous magnetite film that is adherent to the surface. The reflection of light from the top and bottom surfaces of the oxide film create 随观察角度变化的二色.

T.D. Burleigh, P. Schmuki and S. 纳米多孔阳极氧化物的性质 在热的50% NaOH中在钢上电化学生长.电化学杂志 社会科学,(2009),156,1,C45-C53. JECS_2009

T.D. Burleigh, T.C. Dotson, K.T. Dotson, S.J. Gabay, T. Sloan, S.G. Ferrell, "Anodizing Steel in KOH and NaOH Solutions,电化学杂志 Society (Oct. 2007), 154, 10, 579-586. JECS_2007

Related website: www.steelanodize.corrosionhelp.com


这段教育视频(由Dr. Burleigh在2014年)是一个简短的介绍 进入铝合金的腐蚀. 视频展示了常见的形式和理论 铝的腐蚀机理. 本视频由Modern Light赞助制作 Metals.

Cartoon drawing of stick figures representing nitrogen and molybdenum."恶魔氯化物攻击城堡钢" 

One of Dr. Burleigh's students wrote this cartoon explanation of the role of nitrogen 钼在防止不锈钢点蚀中的作用. He currently wishes to remain anonymous. 这幅漫画是根据教授所呈现的漫画改编的. Koji Hashimoto in 1983 at The Fifth International Symposium on Passivity in Bombannes, France. Prof. Hashimoto first introduced the demon chlorides and the good mother Molly. This cartoon has added the characters, nanny nitrogen, cousin carbon, and harlot hydrogen. 你可以查看“恶魔氯化物攻击城堡钢”在 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpCX-8Z1xsI

Figures from some of Dr. Burleigh's publications


铜腐蚀坑里的微生物,来自托马斯·D. Burleigh, Casey G. Gierke, Narjes Fredj and Penelope J. 波士顿,“圣达菲市政供水中的铜管点蚀” 微生物引起的腐蚀”,材料(2014),第7页. 4321-4334. http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/7/6/4321 

大约公元1510年意大利轻骑兵的钢金盔甲From J.C. Garcia and T.D. 伯利,“镀金的开端”,《AG亚游集团app》 社会界面(Summer 2013), 22, 2, 36-38. (electroplating.pdf)



幻灯片上有各种颜色的氧化铜薄膜.多种颜色的Cu2O薄膜沉积在铜上. From N. Fredj and T.D. Burleigh, "Transpassive Dissolution of Copper, and Rapid Formation of Brilliant Colored Copper Oxide Films," 电化学学报(2011),58,4,C104-C110. (Fredj-Burleigh-2011.pdf)


Steel sheet showing a variety of colors, each representing a stage in how it is anodized.1010钢板阳极氧化在一分钟的步骤. 来自Burleigh等人,“阳极氧化钢 in KOH and NaOH Solutions,电化学杂志 Society, 154, 10, p. C579-586 (JECS_2007.pdf). 有关更多信息,请参见also www.steelanodize.com and JECS_2009.pdf.

18把音叉以正弦波的形式放在桌子上Eighteen tuning forks machined from seventeen different alloys and one polymer, are used as classroom demos. 每个叉子都有自己独特的共振音高和谐波, 湿性、重量、颜色和硬度. 一篇两页的文章发表了, “音叉为充满活力的教学.金属学报(2005),57,11,26-27. (TuningJOM2005.pdf)也可以在《AG亚游集团app》的网站上找到.

红色、粉色和蓝色水晶图案的图像.The polished, etched and heat-tinted face of the Gibeon Meteorite shows a crystal pattern denoting a cooling rate of 1 C per million years (from the Materials and Metallurgical 工程部宣传册).

A schematic of the photoelectrochemical apparatus used for measuring photocurrents 金属浸没在液体中的光电效应A schematic of the photoelectrochemical apparatus used for measuring photocurrents 金属浸没在液体中的光电效应. J.R. Birch and T.D. Burleigh, "Oxides Formed on Titanium by Polishing, Etching, Anodizing, or Thermal Oxidizing," Corrosion (2000), 56, 12, 1233-1241. (BirchBurleigh2000.pdf)

The photocurrents are result from light exciting electrons in the oxide film, 在肖特基势垒存在的情况下.The photocurrents are result from light exciting electrons in the oxide film, in the 肖特基势垒的存在. 电子从价带(V)被激发.B.) to the conduction band (C.B.),它们在水流的影响下从山上流下来 electric field. 电场是费米能级不匹配的结果 电解质和金属. J.R. Birch and T.D. Burleigh, "Oxides Formed on Titanium by Polishing, Etching, Anodizing, or Thermal Oxidizing," Corrosion (2000), 56, 12, 1233-1241. (BirchBurleigh2000.pdf)

An image explaining how titanium reacts differently to different oxides.The photocurrents may be used to identify the crystal structure of the titanium oxide 因为不同的氧化物有不同的带隙. J.R. Birch and T.D. Burleigh, "Oxides Formed on Titanium by Polishing, Etching, Anodizing, or Thermal Oxidizing," 腐蚀(2000),56,12,1233-1241. (BirchBurleigh2000.pdf)



The active-passive transition of may be modeled as a semiconductor film that becomes 在高电位或低电位下简并. 在简并过程中,电导或价态 bands bend across the Fermi level and the oxide becomes an electric conductor. from T.D. Burleigh, "Anodic Photocurrents and Corrosion Currents on Passive and Active-Passive 金属,"腐蚀(1989),45,6,464-471 (Corrosion1989.pdf)

显示银光泽化学反应的草图The tarnishing of silver requires an atmosphere containing hydrogen sulfide, oxygen and water vapor. A electrochemical mechanism is proposed for the tarnishing of silver. T.D. Burleigh, Y. Gu, G. Donahey, M. Vida, D.H. 瓦尔德克,《AG亚游集团app》 using a Hexadecanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayer and Descriptions of Accelerated Tarnish 试验,腐蚀(2001),57,12,1066-1074. (BurleighWaldeck2001.pdf)

A corrosion chimney forms above the corroding pit on aluminum corroding in saltwater. T.D. Burleigh, E. Ludwiczak, and R.A. Al-Mg-Si-Cu的晶间腐蚀 合金,"腐蚀(1995),51,1,50 -55. (Corrosion1995.pdf)


Image of a graph showing how silver may be protected from tarnishing by a self-assembled monolayer of hexadecanethiolSilver may be protected from tarnishing by a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of hexadecanethiol. The SAM is prepared by cleaning, etching, rinsing, then immersion in a thiol solution for a certain time period. 时间太短也会导致电影不完整 时间长会导致针孔腐蚀. Figure 10b from T.D. Burleigh, Y. Gu, G. Donahey, M. Vida, D.H. 瓦尔德克,用十六硫醇对银进行防锈处理 Self-Assembled Monolayer and Descriptions of Accelerated Tarnish Tests, Corrosion (2001), 57, 12, 1066-1074. (BurleighWaldeck2001.pdf)

(Image Available Here) 锌在紫外线照射下腐蚀得更快. E.A. Thompson and T.D. Burleigh, "Accelerated Corrosion of Zinc Alloys Exposed to Ultraviolet Light," Corrosion Engineering, Science 与技术(2007),42,3页. 237-241. (Zinc&UV_2007.pdf)

(Graph Available Here) A corrosion resistant Mg-Li alloy is made by alloying with scandium. T.D. Burleigh, R.K. Wyss, "Dual Phase Magnesium Based Alloy having Improved Properties," U.S. Patent No. 5,059,390(1991年10月22日). (MgLiSc.pdf)

(Graph Available Here) Improvement in the erosion corrosion resistance of Cu-10%Ni was achieved by adding indium. T.D. Burleigh and D.H. Waldeck,“合金对Cu-10%电阻的影响” Ni Alloys to Seawater Impingement," Corrosion (1999), 55, 8, 800-804. (Corrosion1999.pdf