冲击与气体动力学实验室 (SGDL)

的 冲击与气体动力学实验室 performs research on thermal-fluid dynamics problems with specialites in optical diagnostics and explosively-driven flows.  的 research laboratory is supervised by Dr. 迈克尔Hargather.  实验室同时采用这两种方法 graduate and undergraduate students, who work with Dr. 收集资助的研究 项目.  






的 primary research interests of the SGDL include:

  • 爆炸特性:冲击波传播、产物气体运动、火球膨胀、 TNT当量,形状估计
  • 爆炸驱动破片:破片尺寸、速度、形状分布测量; optical arena test characterizations, fragment aerodynamics
  • 光学诊断发展:三维冲击波和碎片跟踪,聚焦纹影, background oriented schlieren (BOS), high-speed imaging in harsh environments
  • 火箭推进:3D打印火箭发动机、液体火箭发动机测试、飞行 测试
  • General fluid dynamics and high-speed gas dynamics



  • 桑迪亚国家实验室
  • Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
  • US Air Force and the Air Force Office of Scientific 研究 (AFOSR)
  • Lawrence Livermore 国家实验室
  • 国家核安全局